Wednesday, June 4, 2008

On the road again

Hampton Inn, Palm Beach Gardens
80 degrees, isolated t'storms

My bride joined me for an east coast road trip. She was quite pleasantly surprised with the accomodations at the Hampton Inn. We will have breakfast at 6AM with my North Florida work counterpart, Ken, who has come to town to be in my class tomorrow. I will spend the entire month of June teaching at my branches throughout South Florida. Tomorrow I am teaching first aid/CPR in West Palm Beach. Friday I will teach a driver's class in Jupiter and another in Stuart.

After work Friday we will head north to spend the weekend with Kathy's brother, Jim, in DeBary. For you longtime readers of the blog, you may remember I spend New Years Eve up there. You can check the blog archives if you never read that chapter. I'll give you a was around December 31.

After Friday and Saturday in DeBary, we will head back toward home but stop off in Orlando to have lunch with Kathy's other brother, Gary. Kathy spent the late 70's living in Orlando and this will be a fun weekend with her seeing sights and roads from her past. Jim and Gary are both good guys, although completely different, and we have always been close with them both. We looking forward to seeing them both.

I started the week on the east coast, doing safety audits in Stuart. I found myself on Hutchinson Island and in Sailfish Point. For those of you in AZ, think of Paradise Valley, surrounded by water. Very cool. Sorry there's not more pictures of the homes, but I didn't want to get arrested or worse yet, in trouble by our customers.

Click on any picture to enlarge

This was shot from my GPS, showing my position on Hutchinson Island, in the Atlantic.

Sailfish point, a high end HOA development of custom homes near Stuart, FL

The beach on Hutchinson Island

This guy was using a fishing kayak. It was a cool setup.
He paddled way out in the ocean to begin fishing.
On my ride back to the Gulf Coast, I was running paralell to a nasty summer storm brewing over Lake Okeechobee. I managed to avoid it but it made for some cool pics while driving.
click on a picture for a full screen version

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