Thursday, March 12, 2009


Home in PC
High of 84

I want to drop a quick note to let you all know I'm fine, just extremely busy with work. I spent the day yesterday, from 8AM to midnight preparing part one of a two day course I am presenting at the Venice branch today and tomorrow. When I get done teaching today, it's right back to the prep room to get ready for Friday. I haven't taught this OSHA 10 hour class since last June and on that occassion, I was riding the second chair.

Tuesday I was up at 4AM to make a quick turn around from home to Ft. Pierce in the morning, Stuart in the afternoon, returning home at 7PM. Monday I managed to squeeze in a 3.4 mile run. I have my 12K on Sunday in St. Pete. My daughter Stephanie is coming in Saturday for spring break.

There's the bell; gotta go.

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