Saturday, August 4, 2012


On vacation in Phoenix, AZ
high of 111*

Ernesto has been joined in the Atlantic by Tropical Storm Florence.  Ernesto has gained in strength with sustained winds over 60 MPH, while Flo is just getting going at 40MPH.

The forecast tracks of each are posted below showing the cone of uncertainty.
Neither of these storms is predicted to directly impact Florida.

The weather in Phoenix has been just as oppressive as I remember.  Highs above 110* just plain hurt to be outside.  South Florida has no bragging rights over Phoenix in the summertime.

We're going to get out of the heat tomorrow, as we head into the mountains to Strawberry, AZ to visit my Dad.  It is less than 2 hours away but about 20 degrees cooler up there.

Florence cone of uncertainty

Ernesto cone of uncertainty

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