Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Palm Beach County
High of 74

After work today I got out and ran 5 miles around the perimeter of a large shopping mall in Wellington. The landscaping work at home had me exhausted for a couple of weeks and my running training really suffered. I feel like I'm on my way back now, having done 3.4 miles Monday and 5 today. I need to run again Friday, at least 5 miles. I only have two and a half weeks until my 12K, which is nearly an 8 mile run.

Kathy says the new grass is coming up a little more everyday, under her five times daily watering. I am looking forward to getting home tomorrow and putting some fertilyzer down to kick start the seed germination.

My daughter Stephanie (16) is coming to visit us for spring break on the same weekend as my 12K. We are looking forward to hosting her again. She wants to spend lots of time on the beach, working on her tan.

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